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Yomi Casual Acquires SUV Six Months Afer Losing Car To Accident (Photos, Video)

Comedian AY’s younger brother and celebrity fashion designer, Olorunyomi Makun, popularly referred to as his brand name, Yomi Casual, has acquired an SUV six months after losing his car to an accident, IGBERETV reports.

His wife, Grace, made the announcement on her Instagram story where she shared a photo of the damaged car and the new one.

She wrote, “@yomicasual, nobody and no one can shut the door meant for you. I’m proud of you.”

The fashion designer in June 2021, was involved in a ghastly motor accident that destroyed his car and left him hospitalised for a while.

Sharing a video of the new car on her Instagram page, Grace hailed her husband, stating that she was proud of him.

She said,

“When one door closes, a better one is surely coming. That was what I told you after that accident last year after your car was a write off @yomicasual”

See video below.

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