Professor Wole Soyinka, Nobel Laureate has queried President Muhammadu Buhari’s insistence on establishing grazing routes around the country despite public outcry against the policy.
Prof Soyinka noted that the president may be suffering from “mental delusion.”
“It’s like there’s some delusion about this thing, a kind of mental delusion about this thing. What is it?” Mr Soyinka asked, as he addressed a press conference in Lagos on Friday.
Soyinka said Buhari may also be suffering from deafening noise from his son’s wedding bells last weekend.
“Perhaps the sound, the noise of the wedding bells (Yusuf Buhari) has contributed to the possible impairment of the hearing of the president of the this nation. Because he does not seem to hear anything,” the professor of linguistics lampooned.
Citing a series of groups of people that have kicked against Buhari’s move, Soyinka wondered why the president was obsessed “about something which is being rejected, right, left and centre.”
“Virtually the whole nation is screaming we do not want any open cattle grazing whether they go by the name cattle routes or grazing reserves. Even the all powerful and untouchable Miyetti Allah, patrons of the murderous Fulani herdsmen, have gone on record that ranching is it,” Soyinka asserted.