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SUG President Of UNN & UNEC Indicted In Conspiracy To Misappropriate 65.3 MIllion Naira

By Wisdom Nwedene

The Student Union Government Presidents’ of University of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN and University of Nigeria Enugu Campus, UNEC, have been indicted in conspiracy to misappropriate 65.3 MIllion Naira.

Speaking with Igbere TV, Sen. Ifeanyichukwu C. Nnamani, ACArb., President of the Senate said the duo, Comr. Ani Stephen (SUG PRESIDENT UNN) and Comr. Ugwuja Obinna (SUG PRESIDENT UNEC) called him to sign and approve the sum of #65,553,000 (Sixty five million, five hundred and fifty three thousand naira) for a project which does not exist just for him to embezzle the fund.


Ani Stephen (SUG PRESIDENT UNN) and Comr. Ugwuja Obinna (SUG PRESIDENT UNEC) were indicted by 23 members of a panel headed by the SUG Senate President.

According to the Senate President, “On 22nd July, 2021, I was called by Comr. Ani Stephen (SUG PRESIDENT UNN) and Comr. Ugwuja Obinna (SUG PRESIDENT UNEC) to sign and approve the sum of #65,553,000 (Sixty five million, five hundred and fifty three thousand naira) for the construction of 150 relaxation outdoor seats proposed as Students Union Project for 2019/2020 academic session which was suspended by the Senate on 28th June, 2021 due to agitation from students who were not pleased by the fact that their funds will be used to enrich the pockets of those that were supposed to protect their interest.”

” There are other pressing matters concerning the welfare of UNN students like:
*Renovation and maintenance of hostel toilets, leaking roofs and drainage systems
*Scholarship for indigent students
*Installation of solar panels in hostels to improve power supply.
On this premises, I refused to give my consent and suggested for student’s congress for students opinion
In one day, 17th August, 2021, the SUG Presidents of UNN and UNEC released a false statement of account and collaborated with the Deputy Senate President without a proper Senate Plenary to enable them with the freedom to perpetrate their wicked plans.”

“I’ll continue to protect the welfare of Nigerian students and I’ll never support impunity and corruption in the Students Union Government even if my office is being threatened.”



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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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