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Ex-IPOB Deputy Accuses Nnamdi Kanu Of Being In Control Of Unknown Gunmen

Former Deputy of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, Mazi Uche Mefor has accused his ex boss, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu of being in control of the unknown gunmen and the insecurity ravaging the South East.

Uche Mefor said Nnamdi Kanu lied against some of them, called them traitors, mobilised IPOB zealots to blackmail and defame them and many others for advising Nnamdi Kanu against taking avoidable perilous, and suicidal mission such as the killing of eight “Biafran youths in Imo State.

IGBERE TV had reported that Joint security operatives on Thursday night killed no fewer than eight hoodlums after they resisted an attack on Orlu Divisional Police Headquarters in Imo state from unknown gunmen.

The joint security operatives also recovered seven vehicles the attackers came in for the operation.

Reacting via a statement released on Friday accompanied with pictures of the ugly incident Imo State, Mefor said the attackers killed by security operatives are “Biafran youths”.

He accused Nnamdi Kanu of trying to be an emperor and that is why he refused to consult adequately with important stakeholders.

The statement reads,

“A devastatingly sad situation.May the souls these valiant, gallant Biafran youths continue to rest in peace.”

“A seriously flawed strategy that lacks dept, tact and finesse, we repeat. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, you lied against many of us, called us traitors, mobilised your anarchic IPOB zealots to blackmail and defame us and many others for advising you against taking avoidable perilous, and suicidal mission like this. Why are you hiding the casualties? ”

“We maintain that the issue of security is not a one-man, unilateral show but a collaborative and collective endeavour.”

“You want to be an emperor and that is why you refused to consult adequately with important stakeholders. But you should have been reminded that Biafraland is not an empire.”

“We ask this questions again: who are the victims and casualties of this avoidable self-inflicted, self-destructive, violent campaign of threat, horror , violence and vendetta? Why wilfully making Biafraland a theatre of war/battlefield and that of hostilities?”

“The effect of this fundamentally jaundiced strategy is that Biafraland is likely to be heavily militarised and militantised at the expense of monumental loss of lives of our youths, economic strangulation and potential, indeterminate humanitarian crisis while other parts of Nigeria will remain peaceful due to absence of effective strategy.”


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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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