By Wisdom Nwedene, Abakaliki
Governor David Nweze Umahi of Ebonyi State has dragged online News Platform, The People’s Gazette to court, demanding one billion Naira damage over alleged malicious and defamatory publications against him by the platform.
IGBERE TV reports that the platform had revealed how Governor Umahi allegedly transferred billions to his company, Brass Engineering & Construction Nig. Ltd., from Ebonyi treasury accounts.
Umahi who dragged the media platform to court through his lawyers, Chukwuma-machukwu ume, SAN & CO.
(FIRM OF LAWYERS) requested for the following
a) A written apology and retraction of all the falsehood
published on your Peoples Gazette (on the highlighted
dates), website and other internet facilities against our
clients as defamed in your said publications.
b) The apology and retraction are to be aired over AIT,
YouTube and the other internet/ social media network
where the publications were aired as well as in two
national dailies.
c) Your payment of One Billion Naira (N1, 000, 000,
000:00) as damages for the defamation of our clients
d) The One Billion Naira (NI, 000, 000, 000:00) is to be
shared among the orphanage homes as to be directed our
You have Seven (7) days from the day you receive this letter to
comply else we would further our instructions of instituting a legal
action against your online tabloid and its comrades in the
defamatory publications.
Do accept assurances of our highest regards.
The court document obtained by IGBERE TV reads,
Dear Sir,
a) His Excellency, Engr David Nweze Umahi, the Executive
Governor of Ebonyi State
b) Austin Umahi
c) Brass Engineering & Construction Nig. Ltd.
d) Etc.
We are the solicitors to His Excellency, Engr David Nweze Umahi,
the Executive Governor of Ebonyi State on your above
defamatory publications. We also represent Austin Umahi as well as Brass Engineering & Construction Nig. Ltd etc. on the same issue.
Certainly, there has been and there is currently ongoing
comprehensive information of the day to day governance of Ebonyi State on its website which is open to the general public including your online tabloid.
The website would have assisted to be well informed about Ebonyi State.
Unfortunately for reasons best known to your tabloid, your Nimi Prince will on January, 29, 2021 etc., among others things published in your Peoples Gazette the following unverified, malicious and unfounded defamatory stories:
1) ‘EXCLUSIVE: Bank documents expose how Governor Umahi transferred billions to his company from Ebonyi treasury David Umahi was given a chance to govern the poorest state
in southern Nigeria. But expanding his own pocket has been
his priority from day one.’
‘Governor David Umahi has clutched onto his vast business interests just as firmly as his grip on political power, Peoples..’
‘Further analysis of Ebonyi finances showed that in 2013 the state government’s account did not show any
transaction details in an apparently dubious to move to circumvent accountability.’
iv) The Gazette, however, obtained the account record of Brass Engineering Ltd., which uncovered payments made to the firm’s
Fidelity ….in 2013.
v) Apparently rattled by Peoples Gazette’s examination of his shady
business practices in public service, Ebonyi Governor, David Umahi, has threatened to exterminate the Gazette’s reporters for beaming a spotlight on his sordid financial activities.
vi) The Gazette had in an exclusive report on Friday exposed how
Mr. Umahi transferred billions to his private account from Ebonyi treasury,
“It’s not in terms of going to sue you, we know how to do it,’ he threatened, etc.
We certainly concede to your constitutional right to criticise your government or any government for that matter for any wrongdoing and or criminal behaviour. In any case, you have a duty to do so within the province and stipulations of the Constitution and Rule of Law i.e., with true and verifiable facts void of any personal or political malice.
For instance from you publications, it is certain that you have arrogated to yourself the prerogative of being a supervisor to investigations concluded by Economic and Financial Crime Commission. Even from your said claimed record at Corporate Affairs Commission, it could be you have your own Commission and not the one established by our law.
Come what may, all you said in all the allegations in your
publications of January 29, 2021 & January 30, 2021 are lies, unfounded, frivolous, baseless and malicious both in fact and in
You wrote about Ebonyi State (as seen from a perverted
imagination). You wrote about the State without knowing the real
Ebonyi State as seen by all well meaning persons. Suffice it to say
you are the only one in Jeruselem who did not know that Christ has risen’. Mere diligence should have saved your online tabloid
from misleading the public and the attendant consequences of such
misadventure. Again, whatever you require about any financial
issues of the State were and still within your reach on:
1. and Financials/
es/202101281146302973EBSGs_Budget_Implementation Rep
ort_2020 Fourth Quarter_and_Fourth Quarter Consolidat
3. Financials/resourc
es/202101301344526459EBONYI_STATE GOVERNMENT
es/202101281215009233 Minutes_Final_2021 Citizens Budget
Unfortunately, nothing blinds a commentator than all forms
prejudices, prefixed goals and selfish mindsets. Thus, as you
painstakingly intended, all the persons listed above (hitherto found
of good standing and inspiring in character and actions), suddenly,
as consequences of your libel, have suffered public ridicule,
lowered estimation and disdain before the Nigerian public and the
larger world.
Choice of what we do is ours. Only that the consequences of our
actions are inevitable. We therefore on their behalf our respective
clients demand from you the following atonements for your
curious choice to be on the wrong side of the law:
a) A written apology and retraction of all the falsehood
published on your Peoples Gazette (on the highlighted
dates), website and other internet facilities against our
clients as defamed in your said publications.
b) The apology and retraction are to be aired over AIT,
YouTube and the other internet/ social media network
where the publications were aired as well as in two
national dailies.
c) Your payment of One Billion Naira (N1, 000, 000,
000:00) as damages for the defamation of our clients
d) The One Billion Naira (NI, 000, 000, 000:00) is to be
shared among the orphanage homes as to be directed our
You have Seven (7) days from the day you receive this letter to
comply else we would further our instructions of instituting a legal
action against your online tabloid and its comrades in the
defamatory publications.
Do accept assurances of our highest regards.
Yours Faithfully,
Chukwuma-machukwu Ume, SAN & Co.
(Firm of Lawyers, Arbitrators, Notary Public & Trade Mark Agents)
Deborah I. Warrie Esq.
Head of Firm & Litigations