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Orji Kalu, Anyim, Ekweremadu, Others Storm Igbere For Southeast Meeting (Photos)

The bipartisan meeting of South East political stakeholders is currently taking place at the Igbere country home of former governor of Abia and Senate Chief Whip, Senator Orji Kalu, in Abia State.

Igbere TV reports that the meeting is historical as it involves all political leaders drawn from all political parties (both ruling and opposition) in the region.

The objective of the political gathering is to chart a way forward for the zone to speak with one voice in their quest to produce a President from Southeast extraction in the 2023 general elections.

Among those in attendance include the Senate Chief Whip, Orji Kalu; Former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu; Former Senate President and Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Anyim Pius Anyim; Ebonyi Central Senator, Joseph Obinna; House of Reps spokesman, Benjamin Kalu; House of Reps Deputy Whip, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, amongst others.

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