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JUST IN: Nigerian Ambassador To US, Sylvanus Nsofor, Dies At 85

Nigerian Ambassador to the United States, Sylvanus Adiewere Nsofor, is dead.

Igbere TV gathered that the Nigerian official died Thursday night at 85.

The Nigerian government is yet to issue a formal statement in that regard, however.

A retired justice of Nigeria’s Court of Appeal, Nsofor assumed office as Nigeria’s ambassador to the United States on November 13, 2017.

The envoy succeeded Prof. Adebowale Adefuye, who died towards the end of his tenure as Nigeria’s ambassador to US.

Born on March 17, 1935, in Oguta, Imo State, Nsofor graduated from London’s now-defunct Holborn College of Law in 1962.

He also bagged an LL.M from the London School of Economics in 1964.

Details later…

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