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Dele Giwa's Daughter Reveals How Her Father Would Have Felt About The End SARS Protests If He Were Alive (Photos)

Ayodele Dele-Giwa, the daughter of slain journalist Dele Giwa, has revealed how she thinks her father would have reacted if he were still alive, IgbereTV reports.

Dele Giwa was assasinated by a mail bomb explosion on October 19, 1986, exactly 34 years ago. As the 34th anniversary of his passing was marked on Monday 19th October, 2020, his daughter pointed out that he’d have joined the current End SARS protests if he were alive.

She added that he would “be so proud of what the ‘lazy’ Nigerian youths have been doing over the past 11 days”.

She wrote on her Twitter handle:
“I was 1 when he died, so all I know are stories from family and pictures. But one thing I am sure of: he would be so proud of what the “lazy” Nigerian youth have been doing over the past 11 days. He would have been 73 this year, & he would have come out to protest with the youth.”

“It’s what he fought for. 34 years later, we are still fighting. But it will be different this time. Things will change. Our eyes have opened WELLA. E go shock them.

RIP Daddy (struggle to say it sometimes). Wish I knew you for myself.”

“(Picture of him about to be arrested in 1983)

March 16, 1947 – October 19, 1986.

#endsars #endpolicebrutality #DeleGiwa”

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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