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Borno House of Assembly Honours Commander of Defunct SARS, For Fighting Boko Haram (Photos)

The Borno State House of Assembly (BOSHA) on Thursday, October 15, presented an award to former Commander of the Defunct Special Anti Roberry Squad (SARS) CSP Ibrahim Mohammed for displaying gallantry effort in the fight against Boko Haram, armed banditry, kidnapping and other crimes in the state.

IgbereTV reports that the Deputy Speaker, Rt Hon Abdullahi Askira presented the Award at a plenary session. Rt Hon Abdullahi Askira who presided over the ceremony amidst mammoth crowd including Police Officers, Members of Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) said the Honour became necessary in view of the tremendous contributions CSP Mohammed and his Team displayed in the process of fighting crimes, especially the lingering Boko Haram crisis in the state.

The Deputy speaker said it has never be in the history of BOSHA to present an award to any security personnel, but the show of bravery and selfless service by CSP Mohammed warrant his invitation to the hallowed chamber to present him the award in the presence of the Lawmakers, friends and associates.

Reading out CSP Mohammed’s brief citation by the majority Leader of the House, Hon Dige Mohammed said, ” CSP Mohammed was born on Monday 7th July, 1969 in Kotonkarfe Local Government Area of Kogi state. He had his Bachellors Degree in Education at University of Maiduguri, after which he proceeded to Nigerian Police Academy, Wudil, Kano and rose to the rank of CSP.

“He had served as an officer in various states including Abuja before he moved to Borno and posted to head SARs as Commander. During his time as Commander, CSP Mohammed performed wonderfully well which led to the dilodgement of unspecified number of Boko Haram terrorists with seizure of arms and ammunitions, and freed many hostages in Borno”.

Responding, CSP Mohammed dedicated the Award to God Almighty, security agencies including members of the Civilian Joint Task Force, his family and the people of the state for their support and cooperation to achieve such feet.

He said even though SARS have been disbanded, he still remains a Police Officer who will always strive to offer his constitutional responsibility in the fight against crime whilewhile called upon in the state.

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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