The son of Enoch Adeboye, the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Leke Adeboye, has asked Daddy Freeze to apologise to his parents, the same way he apologised to the general overseer of the Living Faith Church, Bishop Oyedepo.
IgbereTV recalls that Daddy Freeze took to his Instagram page to make an apology to Oyedepo after several clerics including Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC) and Poju Oyemade of the Covenant Christian Centre, condemned the broadcaster for insulting Oyedepo, calling him a bald-headed fowl, as was seen in an old video.
IgbereTV reports that Adeboye’s son jumped on the comment section of the post to tell Daddy Freeze that he expects him to also apologise to his parents.
“I am still waiting for my apologies o. I am still waiting for Pastor Adeboye and Pastor Folu Adeboye or you want me to go and find the videos?,” Leke asked.
See below.