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Gov Ugwuanyi Approves N24m Bursary Allowance For 246 Law School Students From Enugu

IgbereTV reports that Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State has approved the release of the sum of N24,600,000.00 (Twenty-four million, six hundred thousand naira only) to the Enugu State Scholarship and Education Loans Board (ESSELB) for Bursary allowance to 246 students of the state at the Nigeria Law Schools.

A statement by the Executive Secretary of ESSELB, Barr. Levis Uche Abonyi, disclosed that the beneficiary students will get the sum of N100,000 (One hundred thousand naira) each.

Barr. Abonyi stated that those eligible for the offer “must be indigenes of Enugu State and in the Nigerian Law Schools”.

The ESSELB Executive Secretary added that other requirements expected from the would-be beneficiaries include “a valid Admission letter; a valid Law school ID card; a Local Government Area identification letter dully signed by the Scholarship Board staff at their L.G.A and recent passport photograph”.

He said that all applications must be made online through the Board’s website and asked the affected candidates to call the helplines: 09044022730,09045085589,09054915257,07053900572 or visit the office at No 28 Okpara Avenue (old CCB building near EEDC) for application voucher.‎

Enugu State Scholarship Board – Promoting Education through scholarship

“Upload all the above required documents to Enugu State Scholarship Board Portal. Follow us on Facebook – ‘Enugu State Scholarship and Education Loans Board-ESSELB’ for more information on date of screening and presentation of cheques,” Barr. Abonyi further said.

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