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Reno Omokri fingers Nollywood for making the world see Nigerians as fetish people


Popular critic, Reno Omokri in a recent statement has fingered Nigeria’s movie industry, Nollywood as the reason the world sees Nigerians as fetish people.

Reno Omokri stated that many foreigners are afraid of Nigerians not because of advanced fraud [419] but because of “juju” [voodoo].

The former presidential aide to Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan took to his twitter page to write;

“I have been to many African and Caribbean countries. Once they know you are Nigerian, many become wary. Not because of 419. But because of juju. Nollywood has conditioned them to see all Nigerians as fetish juju people. We did this to ourselves!”

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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