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Sad!!! Pregnant Postgraduate Student Murdered In Ibadan

A female postgraduate student of the University of Ibadan, identified as Shomuyiwa Azeezat was on Friday murdered in her rented apartment at Aba Ijefun, Akinyele area, by yet-to be identified persons.

According to IgbereTV reports, Azeezat was said to be seven-months pregnant, and a postgraduate student of the Department of Social Work in the Faculty of Education.

The university’s Students’ Union President, Akeju Olusegun, in a statement said the deceased was hit with a heavy stone on the head, resulting in her death.

“During a visit to the deceased’s residence this afternoon by the Students’ Union leaders, it was confirmed by neighbours that she was hit with a heavy stone on the head.

“However, investigations are on-going by the Nigerian Police Force, Oyo State Command,”Olusegun said.

The union’s president revealed that some co-tenants of the deceased had been arrested.

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