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What Pastor Adeboye Said About The Rape And Murder Of UNIBEN Student, Uwa Omozuwa (Photos)

IgbereTV reports that Pastor Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God RCCG, has reacted to the rape and murder of Uwa Omozuwa in one of the branches of his church.

Taking to his Instagram handle, he wrote:

“All I can do at this time is to pray for the family of Omozuwa and do everything possible working with relevant authorities to bring the perpetrators to book. I and members of my Family condemn this act strongly and urge everyone to stay calm as we are already looking into the matter and cooperating with the police to establish the facts of the shocking situation . . #justiceforuwa”

The Redeemed Christian Church of God also released a statement. In it, they explained why Uwa was in church during the lockdown, how she was found, and the actions taken after she was found lying in the pool of her blood.

Read the full statement below.

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