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JusticeForUwa - Pastor Adeboye reacts, condemns act

Pastor EA Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God RCCG, has reacted to the murder and rape of Uwa Omozuwa as he joined millions of Nigerians to call for Justice.

The respected Man of God made this known in a statement he released via his twitter handle as he disclosed that the Church is already looking into the matter and working to bring the perpetrators to book.

Pastor Adeblye said, “All I can do at this time is to pray for the family of Omozuwa and do everything possible working with relevant authorities to bring the perpetrators to book. I and members of my Family condemn this act strongly and urge everyone to stay calm as we are already looking into the matter and cooperating with the police to establish the facts of the shocking incident.”

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