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Gov. Ugwuanyi Assists CAPIO On Rehabilitating Ex-Prisoners

IgbereTV reports that Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State, has approved the request for financial assistance made by Carmelite Prisoners’ Interest Organization (CAPIO), to enable the body acquire more plots of land for its Centre of Hope Programme. This approval by the governor is in line with his administration’s four-point agenda on security and justice.

CAPIO is a human rights organization that advocates for the rights and dignity of prisoners and prison reforms in Nigeria. It was established in 1992 and intervenes on the provision of basic needs of prisoners, free legal and medical services and rehabilitation of prisoners, in collaboration with the government and other human rights organizations.

In keeping with its mandate, CAPIO had in a letter to Gov. Ugwuanyi, signed by its Executive Director, Rev. Fr. Ambrose Ekeroku and dated May 28, 2020, requested for financial support of N5,000,000.00 (Five million naira) to enable it acquire more plots of land for the centre.

The human rights organization explained that it is currently setting up a half-way-home for the rehabilitation and transformation of ex-offenders by providing access to education and vocational skills in order to prepare them for re-integration as well as to enable them contribute meaningfully to the society as law abiding citizens.

The governor upon receiving the letter approved the request, accordingly.

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