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FG to inaugurate a 200,000-capacity yam storage facility for MSMEs at the Zaki Biam International Yam Market, Benue State on June 9

In a determined bid to support small businesses across the country through the provision of critical infrastructure, the Pres. Muhammadu Buhari administration will on June 9, 2020 inaugurate a 200,000-capacity yam storage facility for MSMEs at the Zaki Biam International Yam Market, Benue State, IgbereTV report.

The facility is part of the National MSMEs Shared Facility Scheme being implemented by the Federal Government under the National MSMEs Clinics Initiative. The Shared Facility Scheme was developed to provide for the needs of businesses under a production cluster arrangement.

According to the Special Assistant to the President on MSMEs, Office of the Vice President, Mr. Tola Johnson, this new facility will cater to the needs of smallholder farmers and MSMEs who before now were losing huge revenues due to lack of access to adequate storage facilities.

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