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Anambra Govt Empowers Two Hundred Women And Youths With Farming Materials (Photos)

IgbereTV reports that Anambra state government has empowered two hundred women and youths with poultry assets to boost poultry production in the state.

Anambra state Governor, Chief Willie Obiano was represented by his Deputy, Dr Nkem Okeke at the event held at the state Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization, Processing and Export.

Also present at the event were the Anambra state Commissioner for Agriculture, Mechanization, Processing and Export, Mr Nnamdi Onukwuba, Member Resenting Awka North at the State House of Assembly and Chairman House Committee on Agriculture, Honourable John Nwokoye, among others.

To mark this year’s World Bee Day celebration in the state, fifty youth honey bee farmers were kitted and other farmers were provided with Vitamin A fortified planting materials for the planting season.

Equipment and input distributed to the farmers include two hundred poultry cages for households, four thousand day -old chicks, (twenty chicks per beneficiary), four thousand two hundred bags of starter mash feed, chicks vaccines and medication for three weeks, five hundred feeders and drinkers, one hundred and fifty honey bee hives, fifty bee suits with rain boots, fifty smokers, fifty hive tools and cutlasses, fifty swam catchers, fifty attractants, two hundred packets of two -kilograms yellow maize, and vines of yellow flesh sweet potato.

Included in the two hundred poultry cages distributed to the farmers by the state government are fifty poultry cages donated by a philanthropist, Engr Reuben Agina.

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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