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Tinubu celebrates Min. of Interior Aregbesola at 63

The National leader of the All Progressive Congress APC, Bola Ahmed Tinubu sent a goodwill message to the Min. of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, on his 63rd birthday.

Tinubu in his statement disclosed that Ogbeni Aregbesola has done a lot for the country. He laid the foundation for the infrastructural development of the State of Osun and turned it to what it is today: a modern state.

The former Lagos state governor said Aregbesola is creative and innovative. He provided inspirational leadership in Osun and now at the centre in Abuja.

‘An engineer and political activist, Aregbesola made the difference in Lagos as Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure for eight years, in Osun as governor for two terms and at present as Minister of Interior

He is resolute and committed to worthy causes. He is bold, courageous and always eager to take decisions that would impart the lives of a majority of our people,” Tinubu added.

The National leader went on to say Aregbesola is loyal and dependable and remains invaluable to the APC.

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