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Eid-El-Fitri: Kaduna Police To Enforce Total Lockdown in Kaduna state

IgbereTV reports that the Police Command in Kaduna State has unveiled its plans to implement a total lockdown during the Eid-el- Fitr celebration in the state.

In a statement made available to IgbereTV on Saturday by the command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP Mohammed Jalige, the command had drawn out elaborate operational strategies to ensure compliance of the total lockdown.

He said, “This is in an order imposed by the state government to curb the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and intensive security coverage to checkmate the activities of criminal elements during Eid period throughout the state.”

He said he has deployed both conventional and mobile policemen as well as undercover operatives to man and monitor key and vulnerable points with a view to ensure compliance with the lockdown and provide tight security across the state.

“The command once-again reassures the good people of Kaduna State of its readiness to promptly respond to distress calls and decisively deal with any person or group of persons who in any way attempts to violate the lockdown and social distancing orders during the festive period.

“The Command reiterates its call on the citizens of Kaduna State to promptly report any suspicious movement or object noticed in your area to the nearest security formation or call the following numbers: 07039675856, 0807591105.”

Jalige said that the Commissioner of Police, Umar Muri, urged the people of Kaduna state to strictly observe all the preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 as they celebrate the Eid-el-Fitr.

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