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Omo-Agege condoles Sen. Gaya over wife's death

The Deputy President of the Senate, Ovie Omo-Agege has condoled with the family of Senator Kabiru Ibrahim Gaya over the death of his wife, Hajiya Halima Gaya.

In a condolence message to his colleague released by Yomi Odunuga, Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, to the Deputy President of the Senate, he noted that even as a private citizen, Hajia Halima Gaya contributed to the improvement of the society.

Urging Senator Gaya and members of his family to find solace in the Islamic faith and the good memories left behind by Hajia Halima Gaya, Senator Omo-Agege counselled that her legacies should be kept alive.

“It is from God Almighty that we came and unto Him we shall all return.

It is the positive difference we are able to make for the betterment of the people around us during our earthly sojourn that matters.

“We all know the pains that such exit causes in every family & I pray that God Almighty grants our dear Senator Kabiru Gaya and all members of his family, the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

It is noteworthy that Hajiya Gaya established schools to help address one of the greatest development challenges in Northern Nigeria and such noble legacy deserves to be sustained for the continuing benefit of the younger generation,” he stated.

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