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COVID-19 Lockdown: Bauchi Lifts Ban On Religious Gathering To Celebrate Eid-di- Fitri

IgbereTV reports that Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State has relaxed the ban on religious gatherings to enable Muslims celebrate the annual Eid-di- Fitri.

Since April, the ban has been in place in order to control the spread of the virus.

The governor made the announcement on Wednesday. He said the relaxation on religious gatherings would be in place for two weeks with certain conditions that religious organisations must follow.

He stressed that religious leaders must ensure strict compliance with the use of face masks by members, provision of hand sanitiser and running water as well as observing physical distancing at worship centres.

“This decision will be taken by you because the total decision of the lockdown was taken by you. We are just suggesting as a government and on behalf of the government, I am suggesting that as from Thursday, we should lift the lockdown, even the one in Katagum, because it has been 10 days and of course the whole state.

“People will go about their normal businesses, pray on Friday and Eid if we agree on context and character so that people will go to Eid, but we will need the support of our royal fathers so that there will be no such celebrations,” he added.

So far, Bauchi has recorded 224 cases of COVID-19.

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