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The demon Coronavirus is declared dead - Bishop Oyedepo

The General Overseer of the Living Faith Church also known as Winners Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo has declared that coronavirus pandemic is dead.

Bishop Oyedepo made this known during a sermon delivered to his congregation online as churches remain closed due to lockdown.

The cleric stated that coronavirus will become history because God will kill anything that wants to kill the church.

He said,

“There shall be an outbreak of revival across every church, every ministry, as an aftermath of this noisome pestilence.

“Coronavirus will become history. It will be cheaper than malaria fever. It will become extinct. Coronavirus is declared dead.

“Whatever wants to kill the church, God will kill it. So, the church comes against you coronavirus and you are grinded (sic) to powder.

“This demon called coronavirus that has held the people captive across the nation over several weeks, the prison gate is open.”

Watch the video below.

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