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Min. of Power sacks TCN MD, appoints Abdulaziz as replacement

IgbereTV reports that the Minister of Power, Mr Mamman Sale, on Tuesday announced the sack of Mr Usman Mohammed as Managing Director of Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) with immediate effect.

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The Minister in a statement released by his Special Adviser on Media and Communications, Mr Aaron Atimas, in Abuja, said it was part of the continued measures to reposition and improve performance of the nation’s power sector, NAN report.

Aside from the removal of the MD, the minister also announced major changes at the TCN, including the appointment of Mr Sule Abdulaziz, as his replacement in acting capacity.

The report revealed that the appointment of four directors who have been on acting position in the company was also confirmed with approval from President Buhari.

They are: Mr Victor Adewumi as Executive Director, Transmission Services Provider; Mr M Lawal, Executive Director, Independent Systems Operator; Mr Ahmed lsa-Dutse, Executive Director, Finance & Accounts; and Mr Justin Dodo, Executive Director, Human Resources & Corporate Services.

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