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N-Power Volunteers Will Get Their Stipends Next Week - Minister

IgbereTV reports that the minister of humanitarian affairs, disaster management and social development, Sadiya Umar Farouq, says the stipends of N-Power beneficiaries for the month of April will be paid early next week.

She made the announcement at briefing of the presidential task force (PTF) on COVID-19 in Abuja on Friday.

The ministry had appealed to the volunteers last week to be patient, as “payments are currently being processed”.

Giving assurance that the stipends would be paid early next week, the minister said, “I would like to say it is in the final stage of payments. By early next week, they will get their payments, Insha Allah.”

The federal government established the N-power programme to provide jobs and skill empowerment initiatives for youths between ages 18 and 35. The programme comes with job training, education and a monthly stipend of N30,000.

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