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Happy Workers Day to all the workers who toil daily to build a great Nigeria - Bukola Saraki

As Nigerians join the rest of the world to celebrate the International Workers Day, Former Senate President, Bukola Saraki has sent a message to Nigerian workers.

Bukola Saraki in his statement applauded all the workers who toil daily to build a great Nigeria.

He said, “As we commemorate #WorkersDay2020, I particularly appreciate our front line healthcare staff and other essential workers who give their all daily to help us halt the spread of #COVID19; and our security officers striving to maintain peace in the North East and around the country.

I also use this occasion to encourage other workers who are unsettled by the economic consequences of the corona virus. My unshaken belief in the strength of the Nigerian spirit gives me faith that we will overcome these challenges.

Over all, Happy #WorkersDay2020 to all the workers who toil daily to build a great Nigeria. May God bless your efforts and grant us a healthy and successful nation.”

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