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COVID-19 lockdown: Akeredolu flags of FeedOndo

The Ondo state governor, Rotimi Akeredolu on Saturday reverse his decision for Easter celebration to take place in the state as Ondo state was finally placed on a lockdown.

Following the lockdown, Akeredolu flagged off the Feed Ondo Project.

According to the governor FeedOndo Project is part of the state govt efforts to cushion the effect of the Coronavirus pandemic in the State.

Akeredolu stressed that the palliatives are meant for everybody and not based on political party differences.

He disclosed that a lot of the palliatives were locally sourced from farms and mills in the state as he appreciated the likes of UBAGroup, Wema Bank, First Bank, 7Up Nigeria, Honeywell, First Oil Limited, PentagonMG and others for their donations towards the palliative.

As a first phase, the palliatives will reach 70,000 homes across the 18 LGAs in the state after which more households will be included in the FeedOndo initiative.

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