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Attempted Jail-Breaki at Kaduna Custodian Center: The Facts so far

The Nigeria Correctional Service Kaduna State COMMAND has reacted to some malicious publications by a section of the media in respect of the attempted jail-break by a section of the condemned convict cell in the custodial centre in Kaduna on Tuesday 31st March, 2020.

Prior to this, the Command had issued a press release earlier to inform the public of this attempted jail-break.

According to the statement released by Sanusi Mu’azu Danmusa Controller of Corrections Kaduna State Command, he said the press release “is necessary to assure the public that the COMMAND and indeed the Service are not trying to hide any fact as purported by a section of the Press, especially when life is involved.”

The controller disclosed that 4 inmates later died in the hospital from the injuries sustained in the incident that ensued while being restrained by Corrections officers from breaking jail.

For the avoidance of doubt, all the deceased inmates were from the condemned section of the Custodial Centre.

“A comprehensive investigation has commenced on the directive of the Controller General of the Nigerian Correctional Service, Ja’afaru Ahmed,” Danmusa added.

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