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COVID19: Comply with directives - Lagos tells owners of hotels and others

Lagos State Government has called on all owners and operators of hotels and tourism-related establishments to comply with Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s directive that gatherings of more than 25 persons at a time must not be entertained.

The Lagos State Commissioner for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Pharm. (Mrs) Uzamat Akinbile-Yussuf, while making the call, stated that it is all part of efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Some hotels have been sealed off for ignoring the instruction, the Commissioner said, warning that the State will continue to clamp down on erring organisations.

While emphasising that the safety of residents motivated the government’s directive on COVID-19, Mrs. Akinbile-Yussuf enjoined stakeholders in the hospitality industry to support the initiatives introduced to combat the spread of Coronavirus.

Mrs. Akinbile-Yussuf implored all hotels, event centres, restaurants and bars, lounges, spas, amusement parks and entertainment houses to comply with the directive.

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