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Coronavirus: we must work and pray - Festus Keyamo

The Min. of State, Labour & Employment, Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Festus Keyamo in a statement has said the fast-spreading pandemic coronavirus was allowed by God to redirect the world step back to him.

Festus Keyamo said, “God has allowed COVID-19 to afflict the human race only to redirect our steps back to Him. We have so distorted God’s Word to suit our own human weaknesses and satisfy our greed, even in supposed Holy Places. We should collectively ask for forgiveness & it will all end in praise.”

He added, “Aside the spiritual angle to this scourge, we must all work and pray; God can only help those who help themselves. Those our recalcitrant Pastors must realise this. All the directives of NCDC must be followed to the letter by all and sundry before it can quickly end in praise.”

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