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Osun confirms first coronavirus case

According to the latest report, Osun state has just confirmed it first coronavirus case as the national toll rises to 46.

This was made known by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), which also revealed that there was a new case in Lagos Nigeria.

NCDC wrote on Twitter;

“Two new cases of #COVID19 have been confirmed in Nigeria: 1 in Lagos and 1 in Osun

Both cases are returning travellers to Nigeria in the last 7 days

As at 07:00 am 25th March, there are 46 confirmed cases of #COVID19 in Nigeria. 2 have been discharged with 1 death”

As it stands now, Lagos is the worst-hit state in Nigeria with 30 cases, which has prompted the state government to order the closure of all markets with effect from Thursday.

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