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Coronavirus: Alert on Fake Websites Pledging Grants

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) in a statement has drawn the attention of the general public to the existence of fraudulent websites trying to capitalize on the Covid-19 pandemic to defraud unsuspecting Nigerians.

The NITDA in it statement by Mrs Hadiza Umar mnipr, m.apra, mcipr Head, Corporate Affairs & External Relations Corporate Headquarters said

“In NITDA’s efforts at ensuring a safe and secure Nigerian cyberspace, the Agency’s Computer Emergency Readiness and Response Team (CERRT) identified a number of websites using various phishing tricks to attract Internet users.

One of such tricks is misinforming the public that Federal Government has ordered weekly payment of allowances to all citizens above the age of 18 for observing the ‘Stay At Home’ directive.

It then requires the user to complete an online form with the personal information including bank details for the payment to be effected.

While MITDA is doing everything possible to shut down the websites identified as well as sanction those behind them, we call on the general public to disregard and report any such websites to the Agency for necessary action.

As a general precautionary measure, Internet users are advised to observe the following: 1) Not to give out their personal information to anyone online; 2) Avoid clicking unknown links

3) Disregard offers requesting for their bank details

4) Know what to do when they become victims of cybercrime. The Agency calls on all well-meaning Nigerians to support the Government in its efforts at containing the spread of #COVID19 in the country.

We are all encouraged to strictly adhere to recommendations given by health experts, and follow updates from relevant agencies handling this outbreak.”

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