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I will personally inform the public about my health status if the need arise ls - Rotimi Akeredolu

Ondo state governor, Rotimi Akeredolu has responded to a report by Sahara Reporters claiming the governor could be positive for coronavirus.

Sahara Reporters wrote in their report,  “Anxiety As Ondo Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu, Self-isolates, Cancels Official Engagements, It was reliably gathered from top government sources that fears that Akeredolu may have contracted the pandemic coronavirus.”

However, Akeredolu in his statement appealed to Sahara Reporters not to create unnecessary panic as he said he would make public his health status if the need arises.

He said, “Let us not cause unnecessary panic please. We are only being proactive in Ondo State. We have always tried to be one step ahead of the Virus since it began to spread. I will personally inform the public about my health status should the need arise.”

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