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Any man, who washes his wife panties will be poor - Ghanian actress

Ghanian actress, Grace Omaboa said that any man, who washes his wife panties will be cursed as she said their spiritual implication attached to it.

She made this known in an interview with Arnold Elavanyo Mensah on Vibes In 5 as she warned young men against washing female panties, an act she claims has curses attached to it.

According to Grace Omaboe, if she ever sees her son washing the panties of his wife, she would hit him in the face.

The actress backed her claim with the Bible in the interview with Vibes in Five, stated that the scriptures was clear on men being the head of the family, hence why they shouldn’t stoop so low in washing panties.

She said; No, No, it will be hard luck on the man if he washes his wife’s underpants and everything of the man will go bad.

“It will have spiritual implications and everything of the man will not go on well for him”.

“I will take the things from my son and slap him with it. I will ask him if he’s a fool to be washing his wife’s panties, I will ask him that Kwabena are you a fool?

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