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New! Kneeling to propose to a woman is wrong in Igbo land - Pete Edochie

Nollywood Veteran actor, Pete Edochie in an interview revealed that kneeling to propose to a woman is wrong in Igbo land.

The ace actor gave his opinion during interview where he spoke about the Igbo tradition.

Edochie in his words said if a man decides to kneel and propose marriage to a woman then he has made her the head of the family through his action.

“Kneeling down to propose to a woman is totally wrong, it is not our lifestyle. Kneeling before a girl in Igbo tradition means you are handing over the authority to her. She becomes the head of the family. Marriage in Igbo tradition is when a lady gives her husband to be wine while kneeling down. What does it signify? That the man has been accepted as the husband of the lady. It is the lady who knees before the husband, not vice versa,” he said.

Reactions have, however, trailed the statement made by Edochie.

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