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BREAKING!!! ‘No American Was Harmed In Iran’s Missile Attack’, Trump Says, Reveals Next Move

United States President Donald Trump has announced that no American was harmed in missile attacks by Iran on a military base used by American troops in Iraq and also revealed his administration will slam more heavy crushing economic sanctions on Iran until the Iranian government changes it’s ways.

The American President made this announcement in an address to the nation on the state of affairs with Iran.

“As long as I am the president of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.

“I am pleased to inform you the American people should be extremely grateful and happy, no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime.

“We suffered no casualties; all of our soldiers are safe and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases. Our great American forces are prepared for anything.

“Iran appears to be standing down which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a good thing for the world,” the President said.

He further stated that he will ask NATO to become more involved in the middle-east process.

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