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BREAKING: Iran Threatens US, Says We're Ending Your Presence Now

Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif has mocked the United States (US) Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, describing him as an “arrogant clown.”

Igbere TV had reported how Pompeo slammed the UK, Germany and France for not being “helpful enough” in the fight against Iran and killing of General Qassem Soleimani.

The US Secretary of State had expressed disappointment with the major NATO allies saying they had not been “as helpful as I wish that they could be”.

But reacting, Iran’s foreign minister (Zalif) declared that the work to end “US malign presence in West Asia had begun.”

Zarif stated this in a tweet on Saturday which was accompanied by a five-photo collage showing hordes of people waving flags and filling the streets.

One image sighted by Igbere TV shows what appears to be mourners walking behind a flag-draped coffin.

Thousands of furious mourners thronged in the streets of Baghdad Saturday during funeral processions for Soleimani who was killed by US airstrike ordered by President Donald Trump.

The mourners chanted “Death to America” and “America is the Great Satan” as they walked beside Soleimani and al-Muhandis’ coffins.

Zalif added, “24 hrs ago, an arrogant clown— masquerading as a diplomat— claimed people were dancing in the cities of Iraq.

“Today, hundreds of thousands of our proud Iraqi brothers and sisters offered him their response across their soil. End of US malign presence in West Asia has begun.”

Meanwhile, Iran yesterday hosted its red flag of war which clearly indicates that there is no slowing down in its move to revenge the killing of its top commander.

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