Some Facts About The First State Sponsored Church
By Reno Omokri
Some of my Catholic followers have asked me to do an analysis of their church. I find their use of the word ‘our church’ almost ironical because they do not know my history. Not only was I once a Catholic, my mother, and my grandfather were both Catholics. As a matter of fact, the first place Catholicism came to in Nigeria is a place called Ode-Itsekiri, which all true born Itsekiri know as Big Warri. Augustinian Monks set up the first Catholic mission in Nigeria there in 1555. My grandfather was an Olu of Warri. I can trace my bloodline and Catholic origin up to Olu Atuwatse I (AKA Dom Domingos), who in 1648 became the first university graduate in West Africa, as well as the first Christian to be crowned Olu of Warri.
It is just that I can’t tell my followers the truth about the Catholic Church. I have so many Catholic followers and I do not want to upset them. But what I will say openly, and which you can verify from your priest, is the fact that the Catholic Church does not even pretend to be a Christian church. The Catholic Church is a ROMAN church. The official name of the church is The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Go and investigate this.

What does the terminology The Holy Roman Catholic Church mean? The word Roman means it is of Ancient Roman origin. The word Catholic means ‘all embracing’. Please check the dictionary, in case I have lied to you.
The Holy Roman Catholic Church is a Roman Church put together to embrace all the religions of Ancient Rome in one religion as a way of bringing the Roman Empire closer together and prevent it from disintegrating because of the threat posed to it by early Christians, who refused to give up their faith, despite harsh persecution.
Many of the practices of the The Holy Roman Catholic Church are pagan practices from Roman religions. Mathew 23:9 says “call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven”, yet, you call Catholic priests, Father. Why? Because the origin was with Ancient Roman religions were they called the priests Father. The Pope is himself called ‘Holy Father’ in contravention of Matthew 23:9. We have only One Holy Father, as Matthew 23:9 teaches. Even the word Pope means Father (it originates from the Greek word Pappas, which means Father).
1 Timothy 4:3 warned that religions will come later that “forbid people to marry”. Your Catholic priests do not marry, not because of Scripture, but because the priests of Ancient Rome were largely eunuchs, so they could be no threat to Caesar’s power. They claim Peter was the first Pope. Not only is that false, but the fact is that Peter was married. “When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law”-Matthew 8:14
The Holy Roman Catholic Church uses and venerates statues of Christ’s and saints. Yet, Exodus 20:4 says “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” The Holy Roman Catholic Church does this because idol worship was part of the Ancient Roman religions.
Finally, the Holy Roman Catholic Church uses the term ‘Madonna’ to refer to Mary’. When you ask, they tell you that Madonna means ‘Our Lady’. Not true. I have been to the ancient Temple of Dianna in Ephesus in modern day Turkey. Madonna simply means My Diana. The goddess Diana was brought in as the Madonna.
Christ never gave His mother veneration. Neither did He ask us to venerate her because unlike Him and His Father, she is NOT Deity. As a matter of fact, when He was told that His mother was looking for Him, He said “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers.”-Matthew 12:48-49.
I have more to say about the Holy Roman Catholic Church, but I assure you that if I say it, both me and my family will be under threat from physical and spiritual forces that I know God will deliver me from. But why should I put my family through such?
Reno Omokri
Gospeller. Deep Thinker. #1 Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Avid traveller. Hollywood Magazine Film Festival Humanitarian of the Year, 2019.