IgbereTV reports that Holy Rosary Hospital Emekuku will hold her End-of-the-Year Free Medical Treatment in four venues as follows:
9th December: Mbaitoli Local Government
Venue: Umuagwuoche Community
Mission Hospital IfakaIa
Time: 10 am – 4:30 pm
Catchment Communities:
Ifakala, Afara, Umunoha, Eziama Obiato, Azara Obiato, Ubomiri, Orodo, Awo Mbieri and Achi Mbieri, Umuaka, Amurie Omenzi
10th December: Owerri North L.G.A
Venue: Ulakwo Centre (St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish)
Time: l0am – 4:30pm
Catchment Communities:
Imerienwe, Umuowa, Nguru, Agbala, Obube, Ngwoma. Mbutu Okohia, Ulakwo
11th December: Owerri Municipal
Venue: Villa Maria, 160 Wetheral Road Owerri
Time: l0am – 4:30 pm
Catchment parishes:
St. Mulumba, St. Paul’s, Holy Cross Aladimma, St. Anthony’s, St. Lazarus, Maria Goretti, Ss. Philip and James, St. Joseph the Worker.
13th December: Owerri North
Venue: Mount Carmel Catholic Church Premises
Time: l0am – 4:30 pm
Catchment Communities:
Emii, Emekuku, Awaka, Egbu, Uratta, Ihitte Ogada, Azaraegbelu, Avuvu, Ikeduru, Uzoagba, Aboh Mbaise.
NB: There will be free Cards, free Consultation: 50% discount on drugs for sale.
Eye Doctor and Dentist will be available on each day for free check-up.
Rev. Fr. Justin Okoro