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NAFDAC Alerts on Expired Rice In Circulation

IgbereTV reports that the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) yesterday alerted Nigerians on the unscrupulous activities of some business men and traders who revalidate expired rice and also repackaged local rice as foreign variety. 

The agency warned that expired and caked rice are unwholesome as they contain molds and microorganism that cause diseases which are of immense public health concern. 

The alert came as a result of a report received from the Department of State Services (DSS) by the Ogun State office of NAFDAC of ongoing food fraud at Oke-Aje market in Ijebu Ode. 

It said: “On the 14th of November 2019, officers of the State office in company of men of the Nigeria Police Force proceeded to the scene of the illegal activity. On arrival the suspected perpetrators of the food fraud instigated unnamed persons to unleash mayhem on the team of investigators.” The agency therefore urged the general public to be vigilant and exercise discretion when purchasing rice and other food items. 

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