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APC: Members Pursuing Third Term Agenda Are 'Busybodies' And Will Be Expelled

The leadership of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has described the legal quest for a third term for President Muhammadu Buhari as not legal, IgbereTV reports. 

The APC, in a statement issued yesterday by its National Publicity Secretary, Malam Lanre Issa-Onilu, described those pursuing the third term agenda as “busybodies”, “charlatans”, “agent provocateurs”, and anti-democratic forces. 

Issa-Onilu said the APC would expel a self-proclaimed member of the party, Charles Enya, seeking an amendment of the constitution to allow President Buhari run for a third term in office if found to be a genuine member. 

The APC said the statement was issued to send a strong signal to such other busybodies like Charles Enya who might be contemplating testing the resolve of the government on its mission to work for the best for the country to be ready to face the law. The party promised to follow this “new enemy” of the country, who was most likely being sponsored by the “desperate and misguided opposition”, every step of the way, using all legal means to thwart his devilish efforts to create chaos. It warned that the party would not take “kindly” to anyone or group causing “unnecessary distraction” for the administration through anti-democratic actions. “The APC has read in the media about a purported legal action taken by a self-proclaimed member of the Party, Charles Enya, seeking an amendment of the constitution to allow President Buhari run for a third term in office. “The Party had initially chosen to ignore him, however, it has become important to send a clear message to him and such other agent provocateurs. “At the last National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the Party, President Buhari didn’t mince words and he is not the type that talks tongue in cheek. He pointedly said he would abide by the constitution and uphold the oath of office he took, swearing by the holy book he believes in. This he said was besides his advanced age which made such an idea beyond his contemplation…. “We have tried to find out the status of this character claiming to be a member of our party. If he turns out to be our member, we would ensure the party organ that has the responsibility to act on this matter promptly commence the process of expelling him. We are a progressive party and we do not have space for anti-democratic forces and charlatans.”

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