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CCB: Public Servants Are The Major Perpetrators of Corrupt Practices in Nigeria

On Tuesday in Abuja, the Chairman of the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), Prof. Isa Mohammed stated that public servants are major perpetrators of corrupt practices in the country, IgbereTV reports.

He said this at the national workshop on the Reform of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act, organised by the Nigerian Law Reform Commission (NLRC). 

He said that eventhough there are people outside the public service who engage in corrupt practices, they are heavily outnumbered by corrupt people in the public service. 

He said, “No contractor in Nigeria in terms of works, services and supply of goods can perpetuate anything by his own right because if you are supplying to the government, you have to collaborate with the public officer to perpetuate the needed corruption,” he said. On what the bureau was doing to nip that in the bud, he said, “Right now, we are trying to pick a category of public officers and monitor their conduct, particularly the political office holders, either elected or appointed. Then the top government functionaries, the career civil servants, from the permanent secretaries and directors. If we are able to do that effectively, definitely we will have some reduction.” 

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