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Public Notice: Enrollment of Federal Universities And Colleges of Education Into IPPS

IgbereTV reports that the Federal Government has commenced the enrollment of Federal Universities and Colleges of Education into the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information (IPPIS).

The Special Adviser to President Buhari on New Media, Bashir Ahmad posted the news on Twitter. It reads:

PUBLIC NOTICE; Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation.

Commencement of enrollment of Federal Universities and Colleges of Education into the IPPIS.

Commence on Nov. 25th and end on Dec. 7th, 2019. 

IPPIS Secretariat is a Department under the Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation responsible for payment of salaries and wages directly to Government employee’s bank account with appropriate deductions and remittances of 3rd party payments such as; Federal Inland Revenue Service, State Boards of Internal Revenue, National Health Insurance Scheme, National Housing Fund, Pension Fund Administrator, Cooperative Societies, Trade Unions Dues, Association Dues and Bank Loans.

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