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Presidency Tells Nnamdi Kanu How To Come Back To Nigeria & Bury His Mother

The Presidency has said that the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu was never deported from Nigeria, Igbere TV reports.

This was stated by aide to President Muhammadu Buhari on Social Media, Lauretta Onochie, on Monday.

Onochie’s statement was in reaction to a report that some monarchs in Orlu, Imo State were pleading with President Buhari to allow Kanu come back to Nigeria to bury his mother.

Igbere TV had reported that mother of the IPOB leader, Ugoeze Sally Kanu died in far away Germany on August 30th after a protracted illness.

Kanu had lamented that the invasion of his hometown by the Nigerian military on September 14, 2017 during operation python dance contributed immensely to her mother’s ill-health which unfortunately the doctors in Germany unable to do anything about.

However, reacting to the alleged pleas by the traditional rulers on behalf of the IPOB leader, Onochie speaking via her verified handle on micro-blogging site, Twitter, said: “He should go to the Nigerian High Commission London
Apply for a Zoo Visa, And wait for approval. Nonsense! Was he deported from Nigeria?”

Meanwhile, Igbere TV had reported that Kanu in response to the alleged pleas by the Imo monarchs said he did not send anybody to lobby the Nigerian government on his behalf.

Speaking in an interview on Voice of America, VOA, radio station in Washington, the IPOB leader said that the Cabals in Aso Rock are not in the position to dictate for him whether to come back for his mother’s funeral or not.

He, however, added that he may or may not be available for the burial, but assured that his mother must be surely given a befitting burial.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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