Igberetv captured the tweet of Femi Fani Kayode on the marginalisation of southern Nigeria. He said:
The greatest enemy of the south are not the northerners but southern cowardice, duplicity, greed, insincerity, treachery and betrayal. When we blame the Fulani for everything we diminish ourselves. How can an ethnic group that constitutes only 7% of the population wield so much power and control over our affairs if not for the fact that we continue to betray one another and sell ourelves short to them? We should not blame the north for our bondage, we should blame ourselves!
Every great liberation fighter and visionary leader from the south and the Middle Belt in the history of our country was betrayed and sacrificed by his fellow southerners and Middle Belters and sold to the north. The people of the north did not do us in: we did ourselves in.
He concluded by saying that until the Southerners are strongly united with full confidence of trusts, honest and fidelity in one another, we will keep being in bondage thereby, allowing the north to keep ruling us.
Click on the link to view the post https://twitter.com/realFFK/status/1185509236471685121?s=19

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