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Six Kidnapped Students Rescued By Nigerian Army

Men of the Operation Thunder Strike of the Nigerian Army rescued six students of the Government Day Secondary School, Gwagwada in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State who were kidnapped on Thursday morning on their way to school, Igberetv reports.

Col. Ezindu Idimah who is the Deputy Director Public Relations of 1 Division Nigeria Army made this news available on Thursday as he revealed that three motor boys were rescued while four suspected bandits were neutralised by the troops.

He said, “The Troops who were on routine patrol in the general area received information from a reliable source that some bandits terrorising the Abuja-Kaduna highway have waylaid some students on their way to school and abducted them.

“Troops immediately swung into action and gave the bandits a hot chase.

“On sighting the troops, the bandits engaged them in a firefight but had to surrender to the superior firepower of the troops.

“Following the firefight, one of the bandits was neutralised while the rest scampered to different directions of the forest with gunshot wounds.” He said that the troops are currently searching for the remaining bandits.

He said the students abducted by the bandits were rescued safely and they have reunited with their families.

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