Usman Bello writes from Kano
As we pray for peace and the continued existence of our dear country Nigeria, some sections of the country needs to understand that violence is not the solution. The recent riot in Aba is a reference point in such cases.
It was alleged (without proof) that an Hausa man stabbed an Igbo guy to death and immediately the IGBOS resorted to reprisals. It is so unfortunate that the easterners could react in such a brutal manner. Why can’t you arrest the Hausa man and hand him over to the police? Two wrongs will never make a right. How can you kill in order to avenge the death of another? Southerners generally are known to be peaceful either SW/SS or SE. We should not be tempted to act like animals who don’t value lives all because of retaliation and jungle justice. The IGBOS should remember they are the most traveled tribe and they have more IGBOS up north than Hausa/fulanis in the SE. The actions in Aba could put the IGBOS in the north in trouble if the northerners decides to retaliate. The north has been known for their aggressive approach to confrontations and in order to avoid a scenario of the civil war, I implore the IGBOS to embrace diplomacy and peace. No body has the monopoly of violence. The northerners and the herdsmen are Nigerians and they have the right to live and do their business in any part of the country. They should not be stigmatised because of the attitudes of a few bad eggs amongst them. The recent Aba clashes is a result of the staunch hatred and bile Nnamdi Kanu preached on radio Biafra. He poisoned the minds of millions of IGBOS and made them un patriotic. He called for the death of Yoruba and Hausa fulanis and the results is the clashes we have today. This is why people like Nnamdi Kanu does not deserve freedom. He is a threat to national security. The solutions to this incessant clashes is to support the grazing bill so the federal government can create grazing reserves for the fulanis in every state of the country. Even the governor of Ebonyi state agreed that the grazing bill is the only path to peaceful coexistence. The IGBOS need to learn from Yorubas peaceful nature. This is why the SW is the most peaceful region in the country. Yorubas are slow to anger no matter the level of provocation. It’s not cowardice but diplomacy. I will not support the killing of anyone in any form. We must respect the sanctity of life and stop acting like animals. Until the IGBOS begin to see Nigeria as their home and forget the evil thought of Biafra, they will keep seeing others as enemies especially the northerners. Lord luggard saw a great potential in our diversity before merging us. Let’s works together to make Nigeria great. Say no to senseless killings. Beware I’m Hausa and just making #commonsense

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