When Pogrom calls By J EZIKE
The doomsday looms in its cave waiting for October 1st 2017 – the day of the grave feast marking the return of the 1966 Pogroms. It promises to be a horror-filled day bereft of all things good and peaceful. The irony here is that: The independence day of 2017 is foredoomed to coincide with the wholesale massacre of the most hunted tribe in the world – the IGBO.
The genocidal kingpins of the hell-hole North and their wasted generations of brainwashed extremists and cutlass-wielding butchers of “infidels” are set to be let loosed like mad beasts from the outer ring of Hell into the Zone of Humans to perform their religious duty of killing and blood spilling. A reminder of the monstrous evil of 1966 – a blood carnival of beasts and prey to be staged in the familiar terrain and with the exact plot that culminated in the most brutal, xenophobic war against the Igbo people by the villainous montage of the Northern Hades inhabiting the denizens of Hausa and Fulani blood-seeking jihads whose preposterous, ill-conceived barbaric ideals are without an iota of doubt an extension of Uthman Danfodio’s satanically-inspired doctrines.
The sons of anarchy are daring to rain blood on the IGBO minorities occupying alien spaces within the confines of the North which is notorious for its zero-tolerance for Christianity, Paganism, Judaism or any religious faction or belief contrary to the cult they hold dearly. The IGBO are yet to conclude the cries for their lost loved ones whose lives were volleyed down the tunnels of Never Return since 1954 till date. The IGBO are yet to forget the genocide of their people in 1967 inspired by the British Rogues of Buckingham Palace and orchestrated by the Caliphate Mafia Unit of the so-called Northern protectorate whose “sheer hatred” for “the IGBO” borders on idolatry.
Let me state this loud and clear for every Jack – if you hate me, I hate you too! If you love me, I love you too! I am not a pacifist like those brainwashed Igbo Christians and I do not intend to be one any time soon.
It is within this background that I pledge to argue against the concept of religion and the brainwashing of the mind to conform to “Man-made’’ doctrines.
Objectively speaking, indoctrination plays an antagonist role in mapping our choices and actions – it shapes our belief system. Hence, what you belief as the spiritual truth becomes the foundation of your morality; it transcends your character, your intellect, your ability to reason critically, emotionally, sensibly. Within this context, the
indoctrinated find it somewhat impossible to snap out of the hypnotic sermons founded on false premise and conclusion. The result is a Myth of Eternal Transition in the Paradise of pantheons and virgins and immortality – a golden ticket to Nirvana at the expense of an “infidel” – the Sacrificial whose god-given life is worthless in their very own eyes.
But the greatest lamentation is the notoriety of the so-called “infidel” in the aspect of yielding to the blade of the butcher in the name of JESUS and/or as a means to perfect the golden rule of turning the cheek for another Hot Slap as Christianity shamefully condones. But the joke is on the Pope, the priest, the pastor and other so-called Christian religious folks whose myopic translation of defense mocks the warrior philosophies of King David, Moses, Elijah and other radical prophets instructed by YAWEH to kill the infidels –the ones who oppose the doctrines of YAWEH.
My ideology is simple: He who wants peace, give him peace. He who wants war, give him war in abundance so that he will not thirst again!
I am so sick and tired of those shallow-minded Igbo Christians practicing coward religion in the name of JESUS, when YAWEH the Most High has shown radicality since time memorial, since the Divine Origin. The Thug Unit of the British Empire forced their fraud religion on us (IGBO) as a viable means to enslave our minds, to keep us under their sovereign power, to steal our identity and make us a worthless race, a people without history. They shoved it down our throats, expelling our original spiritual beliefs and cosmology which defines our roots, our consanguinity with the tribe of Israel – as such, we are a unique people, descendants of Abraham, Jacob, Gad, King David and other biblical ancestors of the Old Testament.
I say shame unto that Igbo man or woman still holding onto the false doctrines tailored by Britain as a criminal means to keep us enslaved in this cursed enterprise coined Nigeria, through their Hausa Fulani pawns for the Prized Oil. Shame unto the Igbo man or woman who clings to the political language of Black is to Lucifer and White is to God. Shame unto that Igbo man or woman who has chosen to play dummy with some politicized scriptures in the Bible. A God who permits you to die like a stupid cow in the hands of Islamic bigots must be a faggot, a psychopath, a blood-sucking vermin. For YAWEH in His Moral Majesty can never permit the death of His own, except if the chosen permits it, largely because every human has the gift of Free Will – the right to make choices and take actions.
Quick reminder: Nnamdi Kanu incited violence as a form of defense for what he foresaw as an inevitable war – genocide against his people and was arrested and
harged with treason. Boko Haram terrorists killed and displaced millions of lives, ignited Nation-wide tragedies of the highest order and were granted amnesty, allocations, incentives and Presidential perks from the Hausa-Fulani rogue forces and their British Conspirators. Who says there is equity of justice in this pseudo-nation?
That is the Nigeria we are living in – a hell-hole where Bastards of the Northern Nigeria are held in high esteem whilst the IGBO are treated as shit items to be flushed down the toilet. And when we voice out they tell us to stay mute and keep suffering and smiling like some compound fools who cannot distinguish their anus from their mouths.
The most recent confab held at AREWA HOUSE should knock some atom of sense in the brain of Igbo minorities dwelling in the dungeon of death that animates the North. For nothing good comes from there except terrorism, xenophobic war, genocide, extremism, hate, riots, gun-wielding herdsmen and blood-thirsty bastards, cattle-rearing zealots. A land bedeviled with illiteracy of grave disorder. To think that in 2017, these mindless imps still espouse the Danfodio-primitive ideals of 1800 is mind-boggling. The wanton disdain for Igbo lives by Hausa-Fulani can never be quantified; it is to infinity and beyond. And I seriously find it absurd that most Igbo, permit me to use the epithet – ‘’IYAMIRI’ – are still resolute to endanger their lives and investments in the name of “One Nigeria.”
Even more appalling is the conspiratorial silence from the Bastards who call themselves the governors of Eastern Nigeria. Bastards in the likes of Rochas Okorocha, Willie Obiano and the rest of the gubernatorial gang that have yielded to the threats and concerted efforts by their political puppet-masters.
Instead of condemning the war-drums being echoed by the defeated and confused North rather, they give their tacit permission for the carnage to be launched against their own people. I call them BASTARDS! These are Bastards who do not know their worth as leaders. These are bastards who have betrayed their own people for silver and gold. These are bastards who have lost their manhood and can barely speak for themselves or for their people. These are bastards who only choose to wag their tails like hungry Bingos at every given meal. These are bastards who are clueless, visionless, and wicked to a fault. They have chosen to dance to the grave music and are offering buses and other compensation to the Igbo extraction of the North who are apt to lose something valuable in the course of these grave events should they decide to stay or leave the Northern region for safety on, before and after the ultimatum elapses. The latter would be far better. For where there is life, there is HOPE.
Any Igbo in his or her right senses, and/or with his or her thinking cap knows without any form of formal education that a life in the Northern Hades of Nigeria is tantamount to to brutal death!
Over the years, the North has been riddled with series of ethno-religious clashes which is common in any Union of attrition where the gospel of peace and togetherness is an expelled doctrine.
The recent informal referendum in Biafraland premised the quit notice to the Igbo denizens of the North. A causal reaction to the Eastern Region’s success in conducting a well organized sit-at-home exercise. With the world gravitating to our struggle and showing productive support towards the actualization of Biafra, the North with their British masters are striking their final death-blows on their most hated rivals -the IGBO.
History will repeat itself when we choose not to learn from its silent lessons. Those Igbo who thought it wise to remain in the North even after the 1954 religious war paid dearly with their lives in the subsequent years that ensued. But the 1991 episode of Maitatsine riot in Kano was one history set aside from the others, as this was the time the Igbo dared to challenge the falsehood that embodies the Christian doctrine and espouse the tradition of their great ancestors of Israel.
An eye for an eye – was the reply they gave to the demonic sect barking in Hausa lingo. It was the time the soil of Kano ferried the blood of their evil sons and daughters to the tomb of Hell.
The Igbo in that era showed no sign of cowardice nor did they hesitate to revenge the carnage. For those stubborn unfortunate Igbo that have chosen not to learn from history, it would do them much good to arm themselves ready for the inevitable “ethnic cleansing” that would befall them in the month of October. If they deem it fit to stay, then they must be ready to fight and spill blood for their own survival. And now that Pogrom calls, it would be foolish of them to wait for an attack against them. It would be foolish of them to stay unprotected and get lynched by the sons of the beasts who know not the meaning of PEACE. A wise man once said: The best form of defense is to ATTACK!